Pablo Cotera

On ideas and thoughts
25 Sep 2020
I try to have my morning coffee with no distractions, no books, devices, just me and my thoughts.

But are these really my thoughts? Mine?

Today was one of those rare ones where I spent almost an hour just letting ideas flow through the cloudy window. If something, the PhD gives me almost total freedom of time, so I can use it to just look at the red autumn leaves and imagine possible futures, which by definition will always be fictions, right? In any case, even past events that really happened will be distorted later, so nothing's totally faithful inside our minds.

We've all dreamed things that feel so 'real' we confuse them with events from the past, and given that both are stored as memories one could ask if there's any difference. Let's propose (as many have before) that both dreams and past events are really just that: mental constructs made from the same substance. Or, we could propose that these memories -having the same substance- have also the same origins: events that took place somewhere at certain time. Then, am I just watching someone else's life in my sleep? Could someone else be storing events of my life as their dreams?

What about ideas? aren't they made of the same substance as dreams, memories, thoughts? If so, are these ideas mine?

If we are just 'the universe looking at itself', then it could be.

I really like the 'idea' that we can only -sort of- explain less than 5% of whatever this universe is. Because then we can all fit our individual explanations of reality in that unexplained vastness. As long as we don't try to convince anyone else that we are right.
